Acacia Pravissima
6m 0s
The acacia pravissima video witnesses the construction and spontaneous decisions made in a particular example of a drawing process. Using a digital stylus and screen recording software, numerous simultaneous gestural lines of light combine to build an image of a stem of wattle. The bold colours used reference the underlying structure of a screen-based image, in that it is primarily built of red, green and blue light that combines to create an extensive colour palette.
The significance of an acacia plant will vary based on the cultural lens through which it is viewed. A species name embodies a eurocentric scientific approach, while common names often overlay this binary nomenclature with a parochial politics. A different view of a plant may recognise its ecological, structural, medicinal or nutritional value, or simply its aesthetics. Through the use of colours and layers an attempt is made to acknowledge the convergence of these diverse energies and viewpoints.