Video Collection

Video Collection

A playlist of currently uploaded videos. To receive notification of updates, please submit an email address in the "Get Updates" field of the "Artscope Visual - Kris Smith" homepage

Video Collection
  • Magnolia Lumenographic [HD 1080p]

    Numerous simultaneous drawings combine to build a chiaroscuro image of foliage and flowers. Visible are gestural lines of light, outlining and highlighting objects otherwise embedded in darkness. The constantly moving cursors reminiscent of the molecular energy found in all things.

  • Acacia Pravissima

    The acacia pravissima video witnesses the construction and spontaneous decisions made in a particular example of a drawing process. Using a digital stylus and screen recording software, numerous simultaneous gestural lines of light combine to build an image of a stem of wattle. The bold colours u...

  • Ecliptiic Journey [Trailer]

    An animation of the seasonal changes in the growth of a wisteria. A synchronised 3 channel video featured in the exhibition "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" held at Maitland Regional Art Gallery

  • Mountain [Trailer]

    This work invites us to contemplate diurnal and geological time as we observe a time-lapse triptych of a snow-capped mountain. This trailer shows sample footage from the central video of a 4K triptych featured in the exhibition "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" held at Maitland Regional ...

  • Solar Pendulum [Trailer]

    The wall-mounted solar pendulum videos shown here were placed opposite a mural of 364 digital prints representing a year of daily activities. We see coloured cubes being swept by a moving shadow, highlighting the rotation of the earth and its transit around the sun. A viewer is invited to reflect...

  • Luminosity exhibition overview

    Installation preview of "Luminous still life"- a 2 channel digital animation (projection, 9.7m x 3.5m) + other works from the "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" exhibition held at Maitland Regional Art Gallery.
    Music: "Brightening" by Chad Crouch [Hush Records]


    An overview of the spaces and artworks layout of the "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" exhibition held at Maitland Regional Art Gallery.
    Music: "Brightening" by Chad Crouch [Hush Records]

  • Luminous still life 1-8251 [Detail + overview]

    Limited edition digital print:
    Title: Luminous still life 1-8251
    Artist: Kris Smith
    Medium: Lucia Pro pigment ink digital drawing on 310gsm 100% cotton archival paper.
    Size: 74 x 52 cm
    Exhibition: "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" exhibition held at Maitland Regional Art Gallery

  • Luminous still life 2-8299 [Detail + overview]

    Limited edition digital print:
    Title: Luminous still life 2-8299
    Artist: Kris Smith
    Medium: Lucia Pro pigment ink digital drawing on 310gsm 100% cotton archival paper.
    Size: 74 x 52 cm
    Exhibition: "LUMINOSITY: Inscription of time by light" exhibition held at Maitland Regional Art Gallery

  • Kris Smith: "Kaldor Project 36: Shadow Catcher"

    This video is a part of Kaldor Public Art Project 36: do it (australia), which was presented online from the 13th May until the 30th June 2020 via and the Kaldor Public Art Projects Instagram @kaldorpublicart. It was created in response to Glenn Murcutt’s instructio...

  • Kris Smith: "Morphogenesis time lapse"

    A time lapse video of a section of an installation at Hunter Region Botanic Gardens. This work was created for an exhibition called "Response" and was a partnership between the University Gallery at the University of Newcastle and the Hunter Region Botanic Gardens.